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Just Love?

I have found one, he who loves my flaws has become my heartthrob, she who loves me upon my drawbacks has become my Fatale.

Let’s engraft our love story on the marbles….. So they decided to go the aisle

On their wedding day, a bride and groom look as radiant and perfect as they ever will.

The groom is perfectly attired and awaits his bride’s entrance with great hope and great desire.

The bride is flawlessly coiffed. She shines with adoration and expectancy. She is even becoming a different legal entity: her name will change. 

However, after the name change and after the honeymoon, the couple will not appear as flawless to one another.

So how can two imperfect people maintain the radiance? 

How can we maintain the blameless position of our wedding day?

She annoys me!

He’s unreasonable!

But, we never saw all these until now….. We never expected this side of our union, I never knew she could change so fast, I never thought he could switch to a fiend.

How did we get here?

She won’t respect me…..he won’t listen to me.

Their home had turned into a battling ring….no more wine, no more roses, they’ve stopped being love bands.

Beating her will command some respect? Locking his shirts and showing him some pepper that made up my component will do?

How did we get here?

We need help!

……..We got help!

Now, our love had grown beyond the initial surface. We understand each other better, we’re now becoming the best versions of the love we envied.

It worked!

We needed knowledge, love was not just enough….we needed commitment, the butterflies in our bellies alone won’t make it work.

Now, we wash and cleanse each other as we ought to, we enrich each other as was intended by the author of our union.

He, in our home, has made a difference….we now laugh at our mistakes, errors we could have sheepishly entered.

Our wine is back!

We made it!

She remains my Fatale, he is my Heartthrob!

© voiceofgrace


The Mind Of Lazarus

My dear sister, let’s just continue this way till Jesus calls us home. This was the icing decor a woman I discussed with, in regards to her situation, decorated her speech with. She believed her life was the Job’s second version and felt it was God’s delight for her to struggle and be in pain till her last dying breath. Of course, Christ and Paul assured us that unpleasant times will come as we journey on planet earth but what happens to “…… after that ye have suffered a while, He will make you perfect, establish, strengthen and settle you? (1 peter 5:10). Or do you think Peter was referring only to when you get to heaven? You know, it’s somehow normal to find consolation in the story of Lazarus and the rich man, how he begged, was afflicted and died as a result…………….

The Love Garden

He still keeps to dates and promises…..will He meet you in Eden?
Dance with me , lover of my soul.
Take me by the hand to your secret place.
Let the breath of your love sweep away my fears and struggles.
Let the light that emerge from your sight brood over this temple.
Like the wings of an eagle, let me ride on your sofa wings.
Like the brightness of the noon sun, brighten up my darkness seven times.
Like the wind of a terrible storm, blow away my feebleness and make me seven times stronger.
Dance with me!!!
Dance with me, lover of my soul…….

Wash Their Feet Still

It is customary for the Jewish to wash the feet of their visitors. First, it was necessary because the major means of travelling and journeying was by foot or animals like donkeys in which the far east is known for dust which makes them dusty and especially their feet, dirty. So, when someone came at your door for such to enter must first be washed on the feet by the least of the servants in many cases and sometimes by the host. The washing of the feet also connotes acceptance and reception. These were the words echoing in my head when I was vexed and hurt by an offence……..

I have discovered my manufacturer.

“One thing I desire each day is to serve my fellow man in whatever capacity I can and in whatever circumstances I find myself, God give me the grace to do this and even more. Amen!” Those that belong to the lion/Leo club should be familiar with this pledge, which is often confessed at meetings even when we are not in our right senses when uttering them. Lols!……

There is toxin in it!

Pursuit: Stamina To Stay

When you’re on a radio channel for a whole day, you can pick all the activities that happened on that radio station. Why? You stayed.
So, why is it so difficult to pick the activities going on in the Spirit realm?
You were able to pick the radio station activities simply because you stayed. If you stayed long enough in his presence, you are entitled to spiritual activities as well…….

The Image Of A Lion

Imagine someone say to you, ” you behave like an animal”! I know many will respond with a frown or possibly with a punch, to really show how animals behave, lol. But, would it have crossed your mind to critically analyse the statement, you behave like ‘an animal’ – singular not animals. Could it have been the person was referring to particular animal? So, let’s assume you were wise and calm enough to ask which animal and the person responded with ‘LION’……..


The love of God towards you is the mercy speaking No over your life. His love for you is so strong that nothing can take it away from his heart. God is the father that never stops loving. One of the best examples that portray that, is the story of the prodigal son and his father. Even though

After The Mountain.

I began to fall in love with heights, climbing, mounting, and all that. There is this usual feeling that gushes through my body when I have this experience.
And then, one time I remembered when Jesus went ‘into’ the mountain, where he was tempted of the devil. And also before the temptation, you’d agree with me that he was ‘on’ the mountain? Oh yes!………

Even Though It’s Just One…. Don’t Bury it.

It is just one…….nothing more.

Just one outstanding, rare and awesome heir is better than 10 foolish sons. It’s not just about the number most times but the quality. Have you ever come across parents with just one child? Can you imagine the attention and diversion of resources on that one child? The child before their eyes is more than diamond. Anything concerning such child is paramount to them. The pamper is always beyond the skies.…………


In a school in downtown Ohio, the following conversations transpired between a coach and the school principal.

Coach Kate, I’m afraid the board has agreed to relieve you of your job, said the principal. But, for what reason, if I may ask Sir? Well, it came to our hearing that you aren’t coaching the students, their parents are complaining, and the students too. More so, the school has a competition to participate in, a few months from now, and your training mode is not going to take us anywhere.……….


The Conquered Conqueror
For I am more than a conqueror!!
For I am victorious!!
I can hear someone affirming these words over and over again. It’s good to affirm those words but I think it’s good-ier to put it this way: For I’m a Conquered Conqueror. Sounds confusing right?
Follow me………..

Who told you?

The happy me coming out of a store met someone I have seen for a long time. The smiling me exchanging pleasantries with him, then I moved on to ask how he was doing which then led to this.

He replied and said:

“I am patching

I am managing”

Knowing what he meant, I intentionally responded with WOW!!! That’s great!!!!…………….

The Court Of Confession

Image gallery image

Recently, I noticed I was becoming emotional. Yeah! I’m not the ‘super emotional’ type not because I don’t have emotions, but I think you get me, right? Yes. Thanks
So, I became so emotional that it began to reflect in my prayers and thoughts. You want to know what I was emotional about right? Of course I will tell you. I became so emotional about……..

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