The Court Of Confession.

The world is created by God to obey words and voices.Journeying back to the beginning when the earth was dark and void. Yes, the Spirit of God was hovering round the earth, but nothing changed till when God SAID “Let there be light”.Confession is the legal echoing of realities and possibilities.You want to kill aContinue reading “The Court Of Confession.”


White(Poem) I overheard the streets talking about you.The morning with friendly greetings of your peaceful reign.The sun stretching its golden arms across the plains.The sky wrapped by the shining stars.As bright as white, as white as bright is your sight.As white as wool is the brightness of your hair.White as peace is the atmosphere aroundContinue reading “White”

It is not by emotions.

Recently, I noticed I was becoming emotional. Yeah! I’m not the ‘super emotional’ type not because I don’t have emotions, but I think you get me, right? Yes. ThanksSo, I became so emotional that it began to reflect in my prayers and thoughts. You want to know what I was emotional about right? Of courseContinue reading “It is not by emotions.”

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