Peace ✌️ or Vawulence 🥷


You know ✍️,

People often ask me “How do you deal with a bad/difficult to live with people 😬(as the case may be)?

And few things that have remained constant in my response have been 👇👇:

  • As much as you can, live with everyone peacefully. 🫠

Now, is it because they are peaceful too? Sometimes no 🙅, but you can make it happen if you as an individual are peaceful, have peace within you, and allow it to flow through you. Remember that whatever the other person is giving is energy, therefore feel free to allow your peace-energy flow🌊.
For this to work, you must have peace (not happiness) and be peaceful yourself.

  • Understand that everyone can NEVER be like you no matter how good you are and feel the world deserves your personality in every human👩.

There are different types of personality🧓👱‍♀️🙀😿😹🤠🤫🤓🤪, and everyone is prone to act the way they are whether good or bad, by your standards or what is generally defined culturally, religiously, or ethically. Some people are just so outspoken and speak as they feel even if it hurts the other person and you can be quick to tag them ‘annoying’, some are just naturally quiet and prefer to be left on their own not because they are self-sufficient but aren’t just interested in drama and then you tag them ‘a snub’. Our naming priest, be calming down😌. Just understand that everyone is unique and acts differently, in fact, it has to stay that way else the world will be boring to live in (variety makes the world sweet 🍭 😍).

  • Deal with people according to their level of understanding🤔.

Imagine me telling a few-month-old baby that all you know to do is drink milk upandan 😒, do you know it’s costly to get good milk these days???👀 or asking an elderly bus conductor to advise me on investment simply because he’s an elder…..hello??? 😂.
Sometimes, you’re asking for too much of people who have no better idea. You already know the level of this person’s ability but why will just delight in picking up a fight with a roadside hawker shouting “e wa ra so and so” simply because you think his mates are quietly selling their kinds of stuff in more controlled and noise-free environments (shops, malls, eateries, and the likes). It is well known that your neighbor doesn’t greet anyone first, you don’t need to gossip about them or be cold towards them. If it’s okay for you to take up the first-to-greet ministry, take it up willingly and cheerfully, and if not face front and go your way!

  • Never allow another man’s bad to corrupt your good.

See eh! This one is very important too. I’ve heard people say “he asked for it 🔫🥷, so I served him hot”, “and I’m not like that, I only reacted”…..and the rest. Don’t let another man’s error be your mistake, don’t let what people do define how you react but rather act on Your True Self.
Because you know the person is a cheat should not justify why you had you cheat them back. Because a colleague stepped on you and didn’t say sorry 😡shouldn’t mean you should pour a cup of coffee on them intentionally 🤪 even when you already planned to say sorry 😂. Who are you deceiving??? 👀

Dear reader,

$$$ Intentionally making the other person feel lesser of themselves because you think you’re better shouldn’t be giving you joy at all.

$$$ Every other person is not you, and you are not them. If you can’t complement don’t be a terror either.

In a nutshell, it is possible be live peacefully with unpeaceful/or seemingly bad people.

I hope this helps us in making the world a better place for everyone, works! 🤝

Recall an experience you wanna share, feel free in the comment section.









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