Written Plans

You know, sometimes you feel like you have it all planned out. You think that you have it all planned out in your head. You know what exactly to do! But,Do you know that writing your plans out either on your notepads, reminders, and alarms, on a sheet of paper, or a sticky note pastedContinue reading “Written Plans”

Peace ✌️ or Vawulence 🥷

PEACE 🫠 OR VAWULENCE 🥷??? You know ✍️, People often ask me “How do you deal with a bad/difficult to live with people 😬(as the case may be)? And few things that have remained constant in my response have been 👇👇: Now, is it because they are peaceful too? Sometimes no 🙅, but you canContinue reading “Peace ✌️ or Vawulence 🥷”

It is not by emotions.

Recently, I noticed I was becoming emotional. Yeah! I’m not the ‘super emotional’ type not because I don’t have emotions, but I think you get me, right? Yes. ThanksSo, I became so emotional that it began to reflect in my prayers and thoughts. You want to know what I was emotional about right? Of courseContinue reading “It is not by emotions.”

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